Tecniche Nuove - Ecommerce
2024Tecniche Nuove is a prominent publishing house with an extensive ecosystem. In collaboration with DMA, we developed their ecommerce website.
For the front end, we utilized Next JS, a cutting-edge React framework that supports both server-side rendering and static generation at build time. The ecommerce platform features multiple integrations with various software systems, presenting significant challenges.
As part of this project, I created my first Lambda function using AWS Lambda to update periodically the cover of the magazines of the ecommerce.
For the front end, we utilized Next JS, a cutting-edge React framework that supports both server-side rendering and static generation at build time. The ecommerce platform features multiple integrations with various software systems, presenting significant challenges.
As part of this project, I created my first Lambda function using AWS Lambda to update periodically the cover of the magazines of the ecommerce.

2023Amadori is the agribusiness's leader in italy with over 50 years of history. It's' an international company with over 1 bilion turnover. I worked with another Junior Developer at DMA and together we used HubSpot as a CMS tool. The site will support the english version soon.
We mainly used HTML - CSS - JAVASCRIPT and the HubSpot's integrated markup language HUBL. We also used the javascript library SwiperJS. We implemented the schema org for SEO optimization for the products and the recipes.
We mainly used HTML - CSS - JAVASCRIPT and the HubSpot's integrated markup language HUBL. We also used the javascript library SwiperJS. We implemented the schema org for SEO optimization for the products and the recipes.

2024Calibe is a mid company that sells and installs luxury shower boxes. I made the entire project both the front-end and the back-end.
As back-end and CMS I used Strapi, a cutting edge headless CMS. I created the model and use the Strapi Rest API and GraphQL API. For the front-end I used Next JS, a cutting-edge React framework that supports both server-side rendering and static generation at build time. The 90% of the pages are generated at build time to optimize the performace. In fact the site has very low response time. It was my very first full stack project for a big company.
As back-end and CMS I used Strapi, a cutting edge headless CMS. I created the model and use the Strapi Rest API and GraphQL API. For the front-end I used Next JS, a cutting-edge React framework that supports both server-side rendering and static generation at build time. The 90% of the pages are generated at build time to optimize the performace. In fact the site has very low response time. It was my very first full stack project for a big company.

ATP Group
2024ATP Group, a prominent company specializing in high-quality plastic processing, needed an upgrade from their outdated and slow WordPress website. We undertook the task of refreshing their online presence using WordPress with the Oxygen builder for the front end and Advanced Custom Fields (ACF) for the content management system. For translations, we integrated WPML.
While each of these WordPress plugins is powerful individually, they are not inherently designed to work together, presenting a significant challenge. Despite these difficulties, the result was impressive, and the client was very satisfied. Additionally, I implemented a 3D renderer using JavaScript and Three.js to enhance the site's functionality and visual appeal.
While each of these WordPress plugins is powerful individually, they are not inherently designed to work together, presenting a significant challenge. Despite these difficulties, the result was impressive, and the client was very satisfied. Additionally, I implemented a 3D renderer using JavaScript and Three.js to enhance the site's functionality and visual appeal.

ERP Bridge
2022ERP Bridge is a HubSpot app available in the HubSpot marketplace.
The landing page is created with HUGO, a cutting edge static site generator. At that time I had never use HUGO so it was a formation on the job.
The landing page is created with HUGO, a cutting edge static site generator. At that time I had never use HUGO so it was a formation on the job.

2022I had the privilege of collaborating with DMA on the development of the company's website. This project involved working closely with both the marketing and design teams to create an enjoyable user experience (UX).
Our front-end development utilized HTML, CSS (Bootstrap), and JavaScript, all integrated seamlessly into the HubSpot CMS tool.
Our front-end development utilized HTML, CSS (Bootstrap), and JavaScript, all integrated seamlessly into the HubSpot CMS tool.

2023Area41 is the coolest skateboard e streetware shop in Cesena - Italy. They had an old looking website and they wanted some fresh air, so I restyled the website to a brand new interface keeping the key values that rapresent the essence of the shop.
For this website I used the built in Register's website builder, with particolar attenction to the SEO aspect (the website is an ecommerce too).
For this website I used the built in Register's website builder, with particolar attenction to the SEO aspect (the website is an ecommerce too).

Gestore segnalazioni
2021During the stage of my fourth year in secondary school in collaboration with 3 other students we built a management dashboard for the Mercato Saraceno's municipality. The software is capable of handling the reports of the municipality avoiding saving them in papers and archieves.
For this project we used GAS (Google App Script) for the back-end and HTML, CSS (bootstrap), JS for the front-end. PCTO Article
For this project we used GAS (Google App Script) for the back-end and HTML, CSS (bootstrap), JS for the front-end. PCTO Article

The Exiled
2024Questo progetto è un videogioco in stile arcade sviluppato in Java da me e tre compagni di corso come parte dell’esame di Programmazione ad Oggetti. Il gioco segue il pattern __MVC__ (Model-View-Controller) e utilizza __Java Swing__ per la grafica. Sono stati utilizzati svariati pattern di programmazione (Factroy, Singleton, Builder, Iterator...).
L'obiettivo è ottenere i quattro cristalli sconfiggendo i boss ai confini della mappa. Il giocatore può scegliere una classe elementale iniziale tra acqua, fuoco, erba, elettricità e normale, influenzando così abilità e strategie di combattimento. Durante l'avventura, si affrontano nemici di diversi elementi e si possono imparare nuove mosse per migliorare il proprio personaggio.

Cosmogas - Documentale
2025Cosmogas is a leading company in the boiler sector in Romagna.
The project is a Document Management System that allows users to upload documents in various formats. Each document has multiple revisions, which can be managed by the administrator. The system is secured by ACL rules, ensuring controlled access and permissions, all managed by the administrator.
At DMA, I had the opportunity to develop the Front-End of the project using Next.js and AWS Amplify.